Verse Of The Week

"Let us come before his person with thanksgiving; Let us with melodies shout in triumph to him. For Jehovah is a great God and a great King over all other gods...
O come in, let us worship and bow down; Let us kneel before Jehovah our Maker."
-Psalms 95:2-3,6

Friday, June 4, 2010

"Your knowledge God... wonderous, fear inspiring; Of this my soul is very well aware."(Sing to Jehovah p.110; Ps. 139:14) 
     Everyday I'm reminded of God and His love for me.  This morning while sitting out on my porch I saw the beauty of His knowledge and I wanted to share it with you.

     Kirby has been in our family for close to 11 years.  We found him abandoned on a secluded country road.  Why someone would do that to him I will never know but I thank God we found him because their loss was certainly a blessing for us.  Kirby is a well mannered laid back kind of guy, he was that way when he came to us definitely out of puppy hood.  For that reason I estimate that Kirby is around 12-13 years old.  If you have ever owned a Lab, you know how it feels when they look at you with their big soft brown eyes it really pulls on your heart strings. 
     R.C. Cola, one of our many cats, is also a gentle soul.  Whenever I'm upset she'll come up to me and gently tap me with her paw.  As if to say 'Don't cry it will be alright' what a beautiful reminder of God's love for me.  Her coat is as white as snow and her eyes are blue but sometimes appear pink like her little paws.  She is also up in age 13-14 years.  My husbands son brought her home when he was 10 and now he's 24.  We have been blessed with more of Gods beautiful creatures and I'll introduce them to you in time, until then may you enjoy the beauty of Gods knowledge around you:)

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